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Wednesday, February 18, 2015


I prayed for this. I did.
I prayed my son would want to get a full time position at his current job. 
Hes a  part time employee for coke-cola warehouse, here in oklahoma city, oklahoma
He drives a forklift, and makes pallets for the trucks to deliver to places.

Hes a night shift employee.
And...i hate it! 
No even gonna lie. I hate it.

I take him in at 10pm, and sometimes get a call to go get him well before his scheduled time off of 6am, which means i leave my house around the 5am hour. I hate it. Hate it even more when its way before the scheduled time off...

For a while daniel never seemed interested in even asking for full time. Said the 3 nights he worked was enough. 
Yet, has dreams, that flow.
Cant full fill those without the cash to accomplish them. 

Recently, a friend of his told him hes quitting, moving onto another job, making more cash.
Told daniel to try for that position.

Last time daniel asked about full time he was told there was a 5 month? Or was it week? Waiting list. 
I told him to get on the list.
Then this guy gets a different job, tells daniel to try for it., we went to see if hed get it.

In the meantime, he has a friend, also trying for this same job, or maybe asking for fulltime? Im not exactly sure, but maybe oscar (the friend) will get this job, and daniel wont...who knows. They are both trying at 3pm today. 

I neglected, when i prayed, to ask God for the full time job to be on the day shift. 
And as a result, ill have to suffer...
I should t complain, except im slready lacking sleep as a result of his working this part time night position, and its sbout to go 40 hours ( or the equvilant) full time. 

Maybe in another 7 months a day pisition will open up and hed consider taking it. 

He has friends on this shift, and changing positions is hard when you go to a new schedule and have to make all new friends and associates..i hate that part of any job, or move, or anything. I dont do change well. But thats me

Daniels taking  Steps to adulthood. One baby step at a time. 
Im not in a hurry to let him go, and he doesnt seem in a hurry to leave.
It works for me.
So, for the fact i can have my son, still in my life, i guess the night shift will be something i can get used to, if theres a consistsnt schedule (and im not called  to go pick him up st some insane hour like 3am or something).

the freind has the same hours (so daniel says, anyway, was no real need for him to go try for the job.
we went to coke, daniel wasnt in there maybe 10 minutes returned with a whole new shedule.

8pm-6am 4 nights a week, wednesdays and saturdays off.

at least i can

pushes it tight tho for things to do in the evenings for church. but ill be ok, maybe craig can take him in instead, i dont have weekly things for church i do at night...its once a month, at best, but i do enjoy getting together, so maybe craig will sacrifice an hour for me to have some socialization with other females in my church.
well cross that bridge, i guess, when we get to it.

to celebrate i took daniel out to the movies, we hadnt been in a while to a theatre and i wanted some movie popcorn.
so we went to go see THE WOMAN IN BLACK 2- Angel of Death

i enjoy a good creepy movie, and this had that vibe.

best part? i paid 4 bucks for us to see the movie, daniel paid for the food, and spent like 26.00 lol
poor fella, got a full time job, and his mom exploided his good

i DID ask, several times if he was sure he wanted to pay that much...he said yes, he


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