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Sunday, February 1, 2015


so, for those who dont know, ill let you know something.

at my church i am whats called a: Family History Consultant.
basically, i help ppl with their family history, and searching for family.

back story..

i dont know my dad, its been an issue my entire life, because the info i have is very limited.
i was told, (by my mom) that he left us, when we lived in Van Nuys Cali, when i was 2 years old (1969ish).
he was married (unconfirmed) to a woman in Utah , and had 3 sons (uncomfirmed)
married to my mom (she says, i have never seen document to show that to be a fact)
married to another woman , also in cali, who had a daughter about 4 years older than myself. (unconfirmed for both)

and..he was never divorced from any of them, so he was what most ppl would call: a bigamist.

as a side not, whats funny, is i am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
most ppl know my faith by the nickname: Mormon

and ppl STILL , even tho it hasnt been a way of life for over 100 years or more, STILL think we marry more than one wife (or the husbands would).
and its just kinda funny, not like hillarious funny, just ODD funny, that he had/has this past, and im a member of a faith thats got a history of that kinda thing.
and i dont know if hes ever been a member or not.

my info on my dad has come from just my mom, and i know for a fact this man existed, because my aunt has met him, so there has been SOMEONE who stood as that person in my life.

i have looked for him online since 1999, when i created my online ID. and have had NO success...ANYWHERE!
i was so excited when the 1940 census was opened up, i waited with baited breath to look for him, and came out...devastated.

back to my position in my church..

i was called (asked to do this position) about 5 years ago, now.
and i had serious reservations about doing it, because i knew finding him anywhere on any site, in any family tree was already tough, and here id be helping other ppl find family, and watching them get excited, and thrilled, and make headway, and id be...stuck.
and emotionally, that was going to be a hard place to sit and be ok with.
and i asked God, every Sunday, WHY ? WHYYY was i called to THIS position...

recently i had a breakthrough to do with my faith, that has settled some of my aggrivation about not finding this man..

but, still...5 years later, hes no easier to find than he was on day one.
i have grown to accept the fact that he may never be found.
i have come to the thinking hes not the name id know him as, he has another name, but with no data to know for sure...i cant find him under anything, other than what i have info on, because its all i was given.

2 weeks ago, i was in our Family History room, and was discussing, again, the fact hes unknown, and hard to find...and the suggestion came up that i should do a DNA and see where that took me.
on one site, the DNA will show you other ppl in the same DNA as you, you may actually be connected too.

so, i resolved, at some point this year, id do a DNA...never know...maybe ill find a sibling, or...HIM!
at best, ill see where my DNA  sits across the world.
and thats pretty cool, to see where the DNA i have stems from regionally wise.

so, i made a resolve, id do a DNA day. put that off to some place in the back of my head, and didnt give it really much more thought.

the other day, on facebook, a member of my congregation, said she had bought 2 DNA tests by accident, only needed one, and was anyone interested in her other one.
by the time i saw the note, i was sure someone else had allready asked to have the test, but i told her on Facebook, id want it.

opened up facebook today, and she said shed have it for me.

 so, at some point, ill own my own DNA kit, to send off and have proccessed, and, then, eventually have some kinda result.

will it lead me to my dad? maybe. maybe not.
but it can show me more than what i have now. and you cant go wrong with that.

am i excited? YES! YES I AM!

theres a few tests out there, and im not sure which one she has, when i get it ill add a blog about it, what i did, how i did it, etc.


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