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Saturday, January 31, 2015

DID MY 1st 30 MINUTE WALK....and i didnt die!

So, today is sarurday.
Picked the kid up from work.
We went to the gym, snd walked.

Todays objective....walk 1 15 minute, 1 30 minute.

Chest hurt on the 15. Took a micro break...continued to walk through it on the floor, not the treadmill, and did a full 30 minutes on the treadmill when i walked out that last bit to calm my heart down.  didn't hurt, and...i broke a small sweat. Which im gonna gross!!!!
For whatever reason, i DETEST  sweating!  Its just plain nasty to me! But...i let it happen. 

And yes, i was completly grossed out by it happening. 

But i know, and understand...that to achieve my goal..its inevidable. It will HAVE to happen.
Im just gonna have to allow ot to. And ill either get used to it (right now thats laughable, lol) , or....suck it up snd just work through it everytime ( i believe thats the option ill deal with most often).

I just do not get how some ppl can LOVE  to sweat! Blah! 
Your nuts....just wanna put that out there! Lol

Walked a mile in my 30! Tried to get a pic of my final image for that and missed it by a second. So, no pic.

This pic is when I started the cool down. Wanted a pic to show I hit that 1 mile mark.

Beyond that..i was figuring out jow many times ive worked out since wednesday when i sighned up


5 times. 4 days. 
Thats more than my original goal i had set which was 3-7 times. Well, i guess its halfway,actually. Its right in the middle. More than my lowest expectation, and not qute as high as my highest expectation.  
But its good. 

Now, if i can get the kid to agree to go at night on mon/ have 2 more in.
Not vonna do nuthing on sunday..cause they close at 8pm anyway, and i think id rather be there at night when thelace is almost dead.

I paid for an app on my iphone called:  Walkmeter.

Has a GPS in the app to calculate how far youve walked. Doesnt require cell data to be used. For tjose, like myself that have no phone plan, its good. 
App cost: 4.99 
So, i tried it out today...hoped it would log my steps for me. didnt! You actually have to be moving form a point to another point for the app to log anything.

So, i tried another app i have. One i downloaded for free.
And it actually logged my steps for the whole 30 minutes. 
Activated by movement of the device itself. Not using a cell data or satalight to log any info.
That apps called: Stepmeter. And, again, its free. 

Turned breakfast down again. Just not in the mood to eat after a walk.


Friday, January 30, 2015


So, i go in after i drop my son off from work, do whatever sessions i feel like, i have free range, can do as little or as much as i wanna, its completely up to me.

and i walk in, and theres this  young guy..couldnt be much older (if he even is) than my son, who was finishing up on some machine hed just worked out on.
looked at me, and smiled.

hes the 1st one who looked at me, and smiled.

well, he went about his business, and i did my treadmill thing.
i did over hear him tell Zack (the 10gym night manager guy) that hed been there since 10pm! i was in there at like midnight..what the heck?!?!? figured hed be leaving soon...
but nope..he was there till about 1am, when i was walking out the door.

i walked out, and he was outside, said hello to me..kinda shocked me, wasnt thinking anyone was out there, but..there he

found out his names Malachi, and he works at a walmart in a neighboring city.

i told him if he saw me again, to not be a stranger. im
i think it was his mom, who picked him up, but i had offered to take him home, hes not too far.

so, that was the thing at the gym..i think i made my 1st friend!
pretty cool!

so, i did my thing, walked, did 2 15s and ONE 20minute...just cause i wanted to see if i could manage to do a 20 minute and not die..
1st 15 was watching some boring sports junk..that 15 dragged onnnnnnn. thought it was never gonna end, took a small break, asked Zach how to do the TV, he showed me, and i adjusted it to PBS...
started off watching LAST OF THE SUMMER WINE, (a British comedy i really enjoy) and then it went to THIS OLD HOUSE...well, one 15 minute and that 20 minute walk, went by like a flash!

i have no idea where the time went with them, but they both..went

its amazing how when you enjoy whatever it is your looking at you can allow time to slip by, but when your watching something you dont hate

wernt home, rested a few, and had to go and get the kid, who was all excited about going in and working out with me...
had a bag in the car with his running shoes, had on shorts, had his ipad mini, and some earbuds, and was ready..

on the way there he asked me...

"want to have some breakfast?"
my answer........and im surprised: "after i work out"

he wanted to go home and rest, i get it, he works hard at  Coke-Cola doing manual labor, and hes tired..i get that, but i was ready, to work out..gotta make this 100.00 mean something.
so he opted for the work out.

now, im not gonna say in a month i wont think, id rather have that food, cause to be honest, i am addicted to food..ill take whatever chance i can to get it, but i wasnt going to this am..i had gotten ready, and was set to at least walk...after that, if i felt like breakfast, sure. id have some..

so, i did my thing again...
1 15 minute walk
and my 2nd walk, i did a 20 minute one.
even set my pace to higher this time on the 20. i have been doing 2.2. i went up to 2.4 (yeah. go me!)

barely can see...2.4 set.
15 minutes length i walked. (.80)
20 minutes almost a full mile (.98)

felt, after that i was good.

have to remember just a few hours earlier i had done, 2 15s and a 20...
so in less than 24 hours i had walked a total of: almost an hour and a half...

i was kinda tired...

daniel was right beside me, walking, and at one point he even ran on his treadmill...just like he said hed be, with his earbuds and his ipad mini, and some movie he had on the thing...
daniel walking

Daniel, running. he just stopped when i got this pic.

we got done, and we headed out for breakfast, and i turned the food down!

whats going on with me? NOT who i

i know why tho..walking makes me use my tummy muscles, and i had just gotten done walking and didnt feel like i wanted anything to eat..cause i just didnt want it..but some liquid id do..
(and no, not no yucky water..BLAH!)

so, he got 3 sausage biscuits, 3 cookies, a drink, maybe a hash brown, im not sure, and i got 2 drinks.
i was

told daniel my exercise goals, to lose 20 pounds, thats where i want to be when i reach my 1st big goal, but that i have smaller goals to get there, like walking a full week at 30 minutes without a break, then walking 1 hour without a break...

he said 20 pounds lost would be a good goal.

told him im in no hurry to get to it, im just pacing myself right now. (no pressure)

 just weighed myself.. right at the same place i always am...260...blah!

now, theres no way i expect in a few days to lose much if anything..
i always seem to balance right in between 250 and its typical for me to be there. nothing new.

i was told at the gastric surgery office, to always remove 5 pounds for clothes and stuff in your belly that you havnt gotten rid of...
so, again, that puts me right at...255ish...typical

but im not too worried about it, not trying to lose right now, im just trying to maintain a healthy pace where i dont feel like my hearts exploding out of my chest..when i get there, ill try to lose some weight.

since gastric surgery..ive lost about 60 pounds total...i was 310 when i started.
so, im ok with where i good.
im not gonna worry about the weight..its consistent, and thats ok with me.


I DIDNT JUST DIVE IN.I DOVE INTO THE DEEP END (got a full membership to 10gym)

so, i decided...
id do it.
id go ahead and get that membership...

what am i so worried about?
just do it!
this is about you! not the rest of the world!
just..jump in!

so, i did, i didnt just jump in, i dove in, head 1st in the deep

i had a choice 10 bucks a month for a membership, or...20.00 a moth for a membership.

that was a toughie, cause i have to make sure i have that every month for the next 11 months, before i renew the membership (if i do) again. or...i pay like 70.00 something for the default fee.

so, i got ready, all dressed up in a nice neon yellow new workout pants, my yellow ankel socks (and anyone that knows me, knows i hate to wear socks), my new awesome neon  yellow shoes, my new yellow earbuds, yellow water proof armband to hold my phone (so i can listen to music)...
took the kid to work, and told myself all the way there..

theres NOTHING to worry about, no ones gonna care your there, they dont even see you, except you SCREAM ..notice me in neon

walked right up to the cvounter, and was met by Zach..hes my new guy...
and..paid for a full membership, PLUS a month a head.
97.00 bucks roughly for that.
50.00 for the annual fee, 20.00 for the month, plus 20.00 ahead. (the extra 7 is all extra taxes and  inhouse fees for stuf in the small print)

so, im ahead by a month.

got a little key fob i get to scan in to make sure im a member. and can use the equipment.

so, i went and got shown how to turn on the treadmill...
and i walked.

felt like forever...was about 18 minutes, and i had to stop..
my chest started to hurt, and i am really very paranoid about that, since my heart atatck, i have no idea whats going on when it feels stressed like it does when i do anything a little over what i normally do.
its all prolly psychosymatic (all in my head) , but i stop, to calm down, anyway. just in case.,

sat for a few, to get myself on a level i felt i could continue...and i went back on the  treadmill for another 15 minutes.

30. thats all. i was sweating drops. no lie..thats enough for one day...

felt like a wet noodle after i got off that thing, my legs were all wobbly and seriously, i felt like a slice of bologna! floppy and loose, not in a good way 

so, i went home, hit the house about 1am, craig got up at 2am, and woke me up...i managed, to grab a couple of hours before i had to get back up at 5 to go get the kid from work..

i am sore! 30 minutes! and im litterally sore! thats just crazy!

so, i go get him, he gets in the car, i say "look what i got"
and i show him the 10gym key fob on my car keys.

his eyes got wide, and he looked at me and you get to take someone?

i told him with the basic 10.00 membership, no, i couldnt, but i didnt get that one, i opted for the other just in case he did decide to come along.

little did i know it would be...this am!

he wanted to go by there and get a tour, before we went home, so, we drove over there...and zack, smiled and seemed a bit shocked to see me back in since i had left, he met daniel, and had him sign a waiver as a guest. and i gave daniel a tour, he got on the treadmill for a few, and said, he was gonna work out..right next to me when we worked out the same days..

yeah, nice dream, but when hes available, place will be busy, unless we go at night, when were both up and active..
place is closed friday night after 10 pm, when im on my way back from dropping the kid off at about 11ishpm, so id have to go during saturday sometime...or during the day on friday.

daniels even gonna pack a bag, with gym shorts, a towel, water bottle, his running shoes. so he can change and go with me on the way back from his work..

so, ill workout 2 times on tursdays it looks like, after i drop him off, and again after i pick him up...

ill have to redo this schedule...
gonna have to include him now..and his availability..

fridays when i pick up daniel, craigs with us...and hes not gonna wanna sit for a half hour, to an hour waiting on us to get done at the gym, maybe well leave craig home, gym opens at 6am fridays, we can get in, get that done..

IF the kid wants to, of just wanna go home and got to want to anyway, but id go into the gym if he really wanted to...

well see how much he wants to do this...
well see how far i feel my 97.00 will go... schedule for 10gym looks like this:

MON - opens at 5am-24 hours/
TUE - 24 hours/
WED - 24 Hours/ i go in 11pm, walk 30 minutes
THU - 24 Hour / i go in 11pm , walk 30 minutes
                         / i go in 7am, walk 30 minutes
FRI - close at 10pm /7am walking 30+ minutes
SAT - 6am-8pm/
SUN 8qm-8pm/

with just the wednesday and thrudays (2 times) i can get in 3 workouts for the week...
thats 30 minutes each time, just trying, at this point to build myself up to endurance , so i can go an hour..
so im starting low and slow.

if i do the friday morning thats 4 workouts in 3 days...with potential to do more on days daniels hime, at night (when hes most active, and i happen to be as well) 2 more, actually...monday/tues.
makes a total of 6 sessions 5 days. 

eventually, ill work my way up to that Couch to 5K, i wanna do..
after that ill run a 5k..

but those are the long term goals.
you start small..
and i want to walk 30 minutes without needing a break, for a full week (3-7days)
when i get that done, ill walk for an hour, without a break (3-7 days)

somewhere in there maybe lose a wight goal of 20 pounds.

i can do this.
i got this.



Thursday, January 29, 2015

WHY NOT PUSH JUST A LITTLE BIT HARDER? (Did a bit more at the gym, day 2)

Ok, so i went in, its day 2 for me at 10gym, and im in the mindset to try to work my way up to a 30 minute walk with no breaks.

So i go in, get on my treadmill and figured out how to manually set the thing to clock down my time.
Set that sucker to 15 minutes. And walked. 
Not 5 minutes in my chest was getting the pang...but i walked through it. Finished that 15 minutes. 

Sat down, rested a few. Asked zack, how can i change the channel on the tv on that treadmill? So he showed me. Cause for what ever reason, if theres something on i dont like looking st...the minutes jyst...draggggggg
Change it to something i like, and magically, im in some crazy zone and dont even notice how much time is going by, or how much is left. So that tv HAD. To be

So i changed the channel and i found a british sitcom on i enjoy at home. Left it on that. On PBS. 

Got back on, manually set the thing to 15 minutes, and walked...chest didnt start up till the last 5 minutes..
Oh! Forgot to mention theres a 5 minute cooldown after you have set the timer. So i actually walked 20 instead oF my timed 15. Last 5 is a slower cooldown pace the machine sets for you based on the speed you have set for yourself. Cause you set that while you walk. Im right now walking at a 2.2rate (whatever that means, lol) 

So, i get off, go rest again, and think...

I wonder...can i do a 20 minute? With no break? 
Nah. Dont try. 
Yeah DO  try! 
Nah, you did your goal, thats enough.
Youll never know if you never try...

Back and forth i heard the chatter in my head.

And another voice broke through asking me...
Why are you making excuses? Just go see! 

So....i got up, set that treadmill to 20 minutes and was done in a flash! Like seriously...have no idea where the heck that 20 went. This Old House was on PBS. And i like the show, and before i knew...i was done. And i had a 5 minute cooldown walk with it too. 

Amazing what you can do when theres something on a tv you like to

Just as a side note...i walked a mile and a half in that hour. Most ppl could do 4and some extra. 
Yeah, im slow. But ill get there. This is just day 2. 

Considered trying for a 30 minute, but ill be back in there in the am with the kid, so, ill try that in a few hours. 

So, yeah.

Take that self doubt! You suck! Lol


Wednesday, January 28, 2015


so, the other day, on my birthday, we were out and about, running around trying to get parts to fix the break on my car.

we happened to be at an auto parts place, and i mentioned it was my birthday...would they give us a discount (i was kidding! didnt expect anything to happen) and the manager, applied a 5% discount in the wiper blades for us!
folks, it never hurts to announce your events, seriously!

**inside tip..if you go to ON THE BOARDER, and tell them its your birthday, or anniversary, you get a free desert!

so, we were thankful, left there to head to another store to get something else, and i mentioned going in i should just have a shirt from zazzle, that says.."ots my birthday"

so craig said:
"one that says: Its my birthday and all i got was this lousy t-shirt"

i said that was funny! (cause it kinda is, lol)
said if go home and make the thing, which i did

this shirt, can be found at:

my zazzle store

im going to order one, and wear it next year on my birthday.
maybe if im out ans about ppl will just give us discounts, and freebies cause i have the shirt


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

ARTICLE - LDS Church backs LGBT nondiscrimination and religious freedom bills..i am SO proud to be a member of my faith!


LDS Church backs LGBT nondiscrimination and religious freedom bills

Posted 8:30 am, January 27, 2015, by Ben Winslow and Ashton Edwards 

 Original article can be found here

SALT LAKE CITY – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is supporting nondiscrimination bills involving lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people — while at the same time calling for protections for people of faith.

In a rare news conference on Tuesday morning, LDS Church leaders announced their support for LGBT nondiscrimination legislation.
“God is loving and merciful,” said Sister Neill Marriott of the LDS Church’s Young Women’s program. “Jesus ministered to marginalized outcasts.”

“It’s for this reason that the church has publicly favored laws and ordinances that protect LGBT people from discrimination in housing and employment.”

But the church also complained of people being branded “bigots” for speaking for their faith.
“When religious people are publicly intimidated, retaliated against, forced from employment or made to suffer personal loss because they have raised their voice in the public square, donated to a cause or participated in an election, our democracy is the loser,” said Elder Dallin Oaks, a member of the church’s Quorum of Twelve Apostles.

“It is one of today’s great ironies that some people who have fought so hard for LGBT rights now try to deny the rights of others to disagree with their public policy proposals,” said Elder Oaks.

The LDS Church insisted that it has not changed its doctrine, which opposes same-sex marriage and insists that sexual relations should be between a man and a woman only.

However, the LDS Church appeared to be softening its tone toward the LGBT community.
“I’d say we’re more sensitive than before. Our tone may be different. Our beliefs don’t change our doctrines are what they are,” said Elder D. Todd Christofferson, of the LDS Church’s Quorum of the Twelve, in an interview with FOX 13’s Ben Winslow.

“We sense this is an opportunity where we can come together where there is a chance to balance competing interests and rights respectfully and find a solution.”

Church leaders insisted that an LDS physician, for example, should not be forced to provide the “morning after” pill or artificial insemination for a lesbian couple. Asked by FOX 13 if municipal clerks should be required to perform same-sex marriages, Elder Oaks called it an “individual judgment.”

“That’s an individual judgment to be made according to the law and the conscience of the individual whatever his religious faith or lack of it,” he said.

The announcement by the LDS Church sent shockwaves across state politics, where a majority of representatives in the Utah State Legislature are Mormon.

“The statement made by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today is an additional and important step to help us find common ground on these important issues,” Governor Gary Herbert said in a statement. “It will be helpful in our effort to resolve these difficult and emotional matters. I firmly believe that, in order to protect the personally held values of people on all sides, any advancement of non-discrimination legislation should be coupled with legislation to safeguard protections to religious freedom.”

“I am confident that, as elected officials, we can work together with religious, business and civic leaders as well as the LGBT community to craft policies that treat all people with dignity and respect.”

Sen. Steve Urquhart, R-St. George, who is sponsoring the LGBT non-discrimination bill again this year, told reporters he believed “a major stakeholder just jumped into this debate today” with an endorsement for his bill.

At the LDS Church’s news conference were members of the American Civil Liberties Union of Utah, as well as the conservative Utah Eagle Forum.

Utah Eagle Forum President Gayle Ruzicka later told FOX 13 she was “happy” with the Church’s stance. Ruzicka has historically opposed nondiscrimination ordinances.

“The Church said what we all believe,” she said. “It was great to have the Church make it so clear the protection of individual rights, rights of freedom and conscience… it just hasn’t been there in all these issues.”

Ruzicka said she still opposes “gender identity” in nondiscrimination bills and worried about the wording of such bills.

“They’ve got to come up with the right language that does not violate other people’s rights,” she said. “It can’t be the language they’re using right now.”

The ACLU said it had some initial concerns about the LDS Church’s stance.

“The ACLU of Utah does express some concern over the limited scope of public accommodation protection supported by the LDS Church, namely only restaurants, hotels and transportation.  Equality means that gay and transgender people should have full protection in public accommodations on par with race, gender, religion and other categories,” the group said in a statement.

Senator Jim Dabakis, D-Salt Lake City, the only openly gay lawmaker in the Utah State Legislature, applauded the move.

“I am proud that the LDS Church has seen fit to lead the way in non-discrimination. As a Church, Mormons have a long history of being the victims of discrimination and persecution,” he said in an email to FOX 13. “They understand more than most the value and strength of creating a civil society that judges people by the content of their character and their ability to do a job.”

The conservative Sutherland Institute also supported the LDS Church’s stance.

“Sutherland Institute has long called for protection of religious freedom for individuals and organizations. This principle must be reflected in any proposed legislation. Residents of Utah and citizens everywhere are entitled not just to belief, but also to the free exercise of their religious beliefs and moral conscience—both in private and in public,” the group said.

The LDS Church did support a housing/employment nondiscrimination ordinance in Salt Lake City back in 2009. Elder Oaks did not wish to address whether the LDS Church’s statement could be construed as support for federal protections for the LGBT people (known as ENDA), as they are not commenting on specific legislation.

“We believe that what we have said will be informative for the public at large and help people understand the balance we endorse,” Elder Oaks told FOX 13.

I have Probably never bene mire proud to be a member of my faith than i am right now!
i have been a fairly different thinking member of my church, than allot of the ppl i know, and love, and...respect.

i have been raised, by my mother to not discriminate, based on color, or sexual orientation, or anything of status, faith, etc...

and raised in a faith...that says, God loves EVERYONE, Jesus dies for ALL.

yet, ppl around me, had a bias. in my human real life, work, school, associates, etc, and as well, in my faith, there was a seperation.

and i couldnt ever consolidate that within myself.

how can i beling to a faith that says..God loves EVERYONE.and yet, ppl within my faith sound like allot of other faiths in the fact they condemn those of a different sexual preference? 
im a sinner, ill never NOT be a sinner...and yet, Jesus does on the cross for me. 
but not for others? yet we say he did.

its a paradox. faith made an announcment that said, basically, Hate the sin, LOVE THE SINNER, in regards to homosexuality.

i dont have to like you lie, steal, cheat, whatever it is, but i am REQUIRED..COMMANDED, even, to LOVE you..likewise, you do not have to love me, based on anything that i may do, or do not do. but your COMMANDED to LOVE me...

i really TRY to follow this thinking. its been a fiber of me for a very long time, and for a long time, ive been the "free thinking mormon", the one who sat "outside the box" the .."back sheep" so to say in my faith.

and with the afore mentioned  announcment, i saw a change, a shift in my faith that was slowly, and openly opening a door, to the way i think..
and then this announcment, as well..right in line with my thinking.

what does it mean?
do i agree with being gay?
personally, i say..her, want to be gay? who am i to stop you? go for it. be who your heart says to be, im not going to stand in your way, and im not going to preach to you what my faith says to believe, if thats not what you want to hear.
why? because you wont hear it, and i cant change your mind.

what will i do instead? love you, anyway. like i have loved.
why stop? 

if i REALLY want to believe i am a CHRISTIAN (which means: to follow in the path of Jesus Christ, Representing Him to the FULLEST of my capability)..then THAT label, THAT LIFESTYLE, that part of my whole being...would LOVE EVERYONE REGARDLESS OF WHAT THEY DO...


this is a hard change for allot of the members of my faith..allot of them still have the "old way" thinking.
and think that you have to turn your back on anyone gay to make a statement about the fact they have chosen a different lifestyle.
how is turning your back on your bother and/or sister showing them a CHRISTLIKE love?

i doesnt, yet, these ppl walk around professing to be CHRISTLIKE..
i have issues with it.

but were all on different levels of the same road, some far a head of others, and others just starting and then most of us somewhere in the middle, struggling to make sense of life, love, Religion, God, and everything in between.
i have to remember, they are human too.
and can...make mistake, just. like. me.

i am in no way, near perfect, i shall never pretend to be, and id never put myself so high on that pedistal id get knocked off..
nope. im human too. i make mistakes, and so will many of the members of my faith, in relation to this announcment.

its a step. thats all it is. 

i can appreciate the step.

based on the fact we, as a faith, todaye, over 200 years later, STILL get harassed, and  put down, for being a faith thats cionsidered NOT CHRISTIAN...we understand Persecution.
and because of that, we should be more tollerant to those others who suffer similar, for different reason, or the same reason, as we do.

its because of this, my faith has made this announcement, that all ppl should be allowed the SAME freedoms and no persecutions, no matter WHO and WHAT they are.

if your gay, you shouldnt be denied any other things simply because thats part of your lifestyle.
anymore than i should be denied anything because of my faith.
different, but the same.

its an excellent day to be a member of my faith!

im loving the shift, and loving the fact i am witness to its change.

i love my religion. it, in itself, has taught me how to be a CHRIST-LIKE individual, who looks at others with an open heart, and compassionate thinking, and loves  them, no matter what.


Sunday, January 25, 2015


just another group, to add to the list of groups, i co-run, or admin, and pages i own, or help with (roughly 40+ at this point)

i was looking through a potential members profile who wanted in one of my groups, and saw she was a member of a reborn group for her state..
one of the main admins i work with was in her state as well, i shared that link with her, and ever since then, i have thought that was a really good way to keep a network of your states ppl together.

so, today, i finally did it. i made the Oklahoma Reborn Doll Lovers  group on Facebook

id like to be able to chat with, and associate with, and network, ppl from my local area.
maybe even have meet and greets and get together (depending on location, of course).

and this is open for anyone with any ind of reborn doll..
regular, or alternative.
it shouldnt matter, your personal preference is yours.

if its a reborn doll, and you own, or have one, will be getting one, create things for them, buy/sell/trade them, then your welcome.

to each his own.

i make regular, AND alternative reborn dolls.

i appreciate the art, but i know some ppl like a preference, and thats fine.
your allowed to.

so, if your reading this, and in oklahoma, and have ANYTHING to do with reborn dolls in anyway, other than hate them..

feel free to join...:)


Saturday, January 24, 2015

POOR HUBBY IS EITHER PREGNANT, OR HES GOT A FLU BUG (im monna guess, its the latter)

this is NOT my its a pic from the net.

so, we went to pick the kid up from work.
craig seemed fine.

dropped the kid off at home.
craig was fine.

went to order the part for the break on my car.
craig seemed fine.

came home.
craig seemed fine.

he went to attempt to fix the break (from what im am to understand)
i went in to sleep, since im on the kids night schedule now.
craig seemed fine.

about 1pm, he crawls into the bed.
so, naturally im thinking hes  done.
i ask...
"is my cars break fixed?"
my reason doe asking is i need to get some more yarn to finish up "babyloves" blanket by the actors party on the 31st.

he mumbles incoherently
"i came back in cause im dizzy and i feel nauseous"

dont be getting the flue!

so, i come in the PC room, im up anyway, and just jottle a status on Facebook similar to my header for this blog, making a slight joke about it.

next thing i know..hes throwing up!

i so do NOT want to get this bug! i JUST got off this chest congestion issue (12 weeks!)
and all i need is to get this yucky thing and be down for a couple of days with it...nasty!

i get so paranoid when someones sick, ill almost make myself sick worrying about it and im not hypocondriac..
i just get sick so violently when i am, i absolutely HATE it...and dread is, and would rather have anything but the pukies... close to my birthday too...
(2 days)

so, far so good, i havnt had any symptoms like he has had, and nothing has come over me all of a sudden, like it seemed it did for him (thank goodness!)
im holding my own. (for now, remind me of this if and when im throwing 

so, for the hubster, cause he wont ask, if you wanna say a prayer, send good vibes, ask the higher powers that be, meditate in his favor, please do so. im sure hell appreciate it.



So I have GENN sitting beside me on my right right where my mouse is and each time I look at Him there, he's in the same area. I guess he's watching me... Lol

Maybe he's Annamored by my pure awesomeness! Lol 

Don't know. But I can tell he's doing as fine as he can. Which is good. 

By the way.... Fi still seems to be doing well too (apparently I have a prankster fishy on my 

I just took these shots of GENN because he's there and he's so pretty.. Oh wait, he's a guy... Guess that's... He's handsome! 



Friday, January 23, 2015

TURNED A GOOD DEED TODAY..helped someone who may have been taken for everything they are worth.

so, i run a Reborn dolly scammer info, and help group, a couple actually, trying to consolidate them both into the bigger one so i can just do everything in one group and not have to mess with 2 of them..

but, i digress...

had someone come to me today to inquire about a scam...
said she knew  i dealt with reborn dolly scams, and was wondering if i could maybe assist her on an issue concerning a different scam...

wasnt sure, but told her to tell me the scoop.

so, she tells me, she  saw an ad (somewhere, not sure, i didnt ask) for a car wrap sign company, willing to pay 300.00 for you to get your car detailed up in the message they would have you drive around in...
ive seen these cars around my local area...if you have the right kind of car, and the right style, this would be a super sweet deal, if you didnt mind your cars look changing all the time..(id think id forget where i parked mine in some parking lot when i went

so, gave her info over, sent them her email, home address, make and model of the car... some other stuff. and found out..its a scam..

asked me what she should do.

my 1st word of advise to ANYONE who sees something they want to think about joining..

like this: WrapCar reviews
or if its some guy your talking too: John Doe (or whatever his name is) see what info there is out there on that indidual, ive found, from googling a name, my best freind was chatting to some scammer from nigerai once, and his data was actually posted on a scammer site for the world to read about, and he was doing to her, what he had done to some other ladies...

see what GOOGLE has come up with...youd be amazed at whats out there for your info to know.

at the same time, do what this individual did and CALL THE MAIN COMPANY THEY SAY THEY ARE FROM AND ASK IF THEY DO IN FACT HAVE SOMEONE WHO DOES THAT KINDA THING (whatever it is they say they are doing for the company)

turns out this was some guy that she was connected to, or got an email from, and said he worked for..pepsi, she called pepsi to inquire, found out hes lying.


3rd IF ITS TOO GOOD TO BE prolly isnt true.

YOU have power...USE IT!
the net is FILLED with resources for you to check out stuff, examin stuff, look stuff over, and protect yourself from a potential scam....

now, what do you do IF you have fallen victim?

(this is me, you may do otherwise)
id GOOGLE the info about the company, gather as much info as i can, like address, phone number, web address, and id take every single document (printed up) in a file to the BBB..and  show them.
thats what i basically advised this person to do..go to the BBB, and inquire.
if you have no comapny, take a print out of the conversation you had, to the BBB (keep a copy for yourself, in case you need to take that to a bank, or the police)

reason? your prolly not the 1st person to make a complaint, and if you are, youve started the ball rolling to get the company off the market, and out of the lives of decent ppl. good for you! your making a change!
the BBB, can use the info to stop them.
if you have NO INFO ON A COMPANY, as this person doesnt, then take the NAME and what info you have about them and what they are doing to the BBB. anything can help. 

i also advised her, if she didnt give away the vital stuff, like social security number, bank info, and anything super personal, i really wouldnt worry about it, it could just be a way to harvest your info, to spam junk mail your email, and home address...but i doubt that they would steal an identity.
not saying that couldnt, but without the vital stuff, its not likely...
too many cross checks in a digital world anymore.

if you DO feel you may be getting a hack into your life. watch your account for suspicious activity, and youll be the 1st to know if a bill comes to your home with your name and address, for a purchase you didnt make with a card you dont own..
if that happens TAKE THAT TO THE LAW!!!!
and prosecute.

moral..just be careful out there...its a nasty nasty nasty world...


Thursday, January 22, 2015


Ugh! Brake went out tonight taking the kid to work...blah! 

We have to pay for that this weekend, when we were all gonna get our eyes checked out for glasses.

Craig and i havnt had an upgrade to our vision in almost a decade. Its time for new lenses. The kid thinks he needs some now cause he says he cant see anything at a distance its all blurry.
But thats gonna have to go on hold. Car needs a new brake. Ugh. 

When it rains, it pours, but it always leaves a rainbow! While this is a moment well all suffer through. We have the luxury of habing craig off work for his second job (UPS), be ause nes on call fir his main job (FAA).

So, theres no struggle or need to worry about the fact my car, which is the transportation car for the kid, is out of commission. We nave transportation. 

Allot of ppl would look at this situation with dispair. And woe, and fret, worry, if you will. And not look for the good in the trial. 
Thetes something worthy to be gleened from every tribulation you endure and suffer through. You jyst have to seek it, and revognize it.

I. Not sure how long i had been driving with a break that was boing out, maybe a week (about 300 miles worth of driving). Bit the thing finally died tonight. And i was fortunaye, blessed actually, to have my husband there in the car when it happened. 
If i was alone, id be out of my mind because i have no data on a cell phone to call home and have him come to me. Id have to attempt several times yo get him to puck up the phone. Id have felt like i had no way to get home, because i dont like to take the chamce on ruining tne vehicle if i think something is wrong. 
But he was there, because...hes on call for the other job. 
What a wonderful blessing. 

Kids at work, we mafe it ho e safly, we have another car to go and get the kid in the am when its time to pick him up and im not required to be anywhere tomorrow, that requires i drive to it. 

Look for the rainbow in the midst of the storm.

Your focus might go from negative to positive. Thats not such a bad thing. 


*note: image in this blog is mot MY car, mine lookes exactly the same. Yellow and everything. But mines way cooler! Cause *I * own 

GENN BETA IS SETTLING IN and a slight surprise

So I was going to take GENN and put him in my bigger tank, which means I has to sadly get rid if Fi who has passed away over the weekend.

Don't judge me cause I can't let go so easy! I didn't want to flush that poor beautiful white fishy down my toilette and he wasn't doing anything , there, dead in is tank. 
I still have my moms ashes from when she passed away with me. 
We all grieve in our own way.

Anyway. I went to scoop Fi out, and the darn fish....MOVED! 
Ugh! Fishy is still alive!!!! 

Why do they fake me out like that? 
I swear I poked that fish the other day to make sure and nothing happened. 
Wouldn't you assume. Then, your fishy passed? 

Apparently he's still lingering on. Won't eat tho. *sad face* 

So Fi is still in the big round tank, hibernating,I guess . Who knows. Guys still confuse me. Even in fish form. Lol

So GENN is in the yellow submarine bowl . Settling in.

so, i guess i have 3 Betas now...
sorry Jenn!
i can bring him back if you miss him too much!
i do enjoy him tho. :)

Fi, is still...there. doing what Fi has been doing the past few days...looking lifeless, but imagine my shock, when i went to scoop him out and he swam away?!?!?!

Yeah Fi is all alive and active now, go figure! He'd Bette be glad I didn't flush his crazy fishy butt!

That looks like an alive fish to me! 
Ugh! Why do fish play dead?!?!? 
So not nice!!! 
Bad fishy!!!! 


Wednesday, January 21, 2015


So today I arranged with jenn to pick up her beta she was giving me.

It's raining here. Started right before we left the house. I had seen the weather was talking about an advisory. May get snow sometime tonight. I get nervous driving in the dark. Roads are crappy. Can't see the lines when the roads are wet, and I have night blindness. My vision is washed out when brightights shine into eyes. Do driving on wet weather kinda freaks me out. 
Lucky for me , my husband took this week off from his second job (ups) because he's on call with his main job (FAA). 
So, I had him come with to take Daniel to work and pick up fishy from Jenns place.

So Daniel got dropped off for work and we head over to Jenns to get the fish .

I walked up the steps knocked on her door. And was welcomed in and shown around and given not one but.... TWO fish tanks! One has fishy on it, the other has a.... YELLOW submarine in it! 
Gotta love that color! 
Light on the top.... Changes colors! How cool is that!?!? 
The tank silver is I'm has a separator so I come put both my betas in there and they can't get to each other. Jenn said she'd use it when she was cleaning her fishy tanks out. Good idea! 
I also got bubble makers and tubing  for the tanks. Plus the rocks and plants (fake) as well !

Not even done yet!

She gave me fishy food too!

While I was the she have me my Christmas present! So close to my birthday too! Lol

So, I open it and it has in it was a Christmas ribbon, a silver snow flake streamer, an ornament for a tree, and the best thing....
A small plush orangutan. She told me to name him Pringles. 

I has told her unread online that Pringles used palm oil in their products and that takes the forestry down that orangutans live in. And make the babies have no mammas, causing orphaned orangutans. So, jenn agreed to give up her fav chips (just happened to be Pringles) to help me help the environment. 
What a great friend! 

Since then I looked for myself at the ingredients and found nothing about Palm oil in them and let her know that tonight . The Pringles ban has been.... Lifted! She can eat them and not feel bad about the orangutans environment. 

Raman noddles? Still on the ban list! Lol can't touch those  without it effecting those innocent sweet baby faces

Here's some to keep you thinking! 

I think I will put Pringles on the dash of. My car. So when jenn sees my car she can see her gift she gave me. :)

Oh and I changed Silvers name. I was gonna nickname him Jenn I still am, I'm just changing the spelling to: GENN ( to keep in line with my personal Greek  alphabet, lol)

Thank you jenn! Love you to bits! 
I'll be a good fishy mamma to GENN!
