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Saturday, January 24, 2015

POOR HUBBY IS EITHER PREGNANT, OR HES GOT A FLU BUG (im monna guess, its the latter)

this is NOT my its a pic from the net.

so, we went to pick the kid up from work.
craig seemed fine.

dropped the kid off at home.
craig was fine.

went to order the part for the break on my car.
craig seemed fine.

came home.
craig seemed fine.

he went to attempt to fix the break (from what im am to understand)
i went in to sleep, since im on the kids night schedule now.
craig seemed fine.

about 1pm, he crawls into the bed.
so, naturally im thinking hes  done.
i ask...
"is my cars break fixed?"
my reason doe asking is i need to get some more yarn to finish up "babyloves" blanket by the actors party on the 31st.

he mumbles incoherently
"i came back in cause im dizzy and i feel nauseous"

dont be getting the flue!

so, i come in the PC room, im up anyway, and just jottle a status on Facebook similar to my header for this blog, making a slight joke about it.

next thing i know..hes throwing up!

i so do NOT want to get this bug! i JUST got off this chest congestion issue (12 weeks!)
and all i need is to get this yucky thing and be down for a couple of days with it...nasty!

i get so paranoid when someones sick, ill almost make myself sick worrying about it and im not hypocondriac..
i just get sick so violently when i am, i absolutely HATE it...and dread is, and would rather have anything but the pukies... close to my birthday too...
(2 days)

so, far so good, i havnt had any symptoms like he has had, and nothing has come over me all of a sudden, like it seemed it did for him (thank goodness!)
im holding my own. (for now, remind me of this if and when im throwing 

so, for the hubster, cause he wont ask, if you wanna say a prayer, send good vibes, ask the higher powers that be, meditate in his favor, please do so. im sure hell appreciate it.


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