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Friday, January 30, 2015

I DIDNT JUST DIVE IN.I DOVE INTO THE DEEP END (got a full membership to 10gym)

so, i decided...
id do it.
id go ahead and get that membership...

what am i so worried about?
just do it!
this is about you! not the rest of the world!
just..jump in!

so, i did, i didnt just jump in, i dove in, head 1st in the deep

i had a choice 10 bucks a month for a membership, or...20.00 a moth for a membership.

that was a toughie, cause i have to make sure i have that every month for the next 11 months, before i renew the membership (if i do) again. or...i pay like 70.00 something for the default fee.

so, i got ready, all dressed up in a nice neon yellow new workout pants, my yellow ankel socks (and anyone that knows me, knows i hate to wear socks), my new awesome neon  yellow shoes, my new yellow earbuds, yellow water proof armband to hold my phone (so i can listen to music)...
took the kid to work, and told myself all the way there..

theres NOTHING to worry about, no ones gonna care your there, they dont even see you, except you SCREAM ..notice me in neon

walked right up to the cvounter, and was met by Zach..hes my new guy...
and..paid for a full membership, PLUS a month a head.
97.00 bucks roughly for that.
50.00 for the annual fee, 20.00 for the month, plus 20.00 ahead. (the extra 7 is all extra taxes and  inhouse fees for stuf in the small print)

so, im ahead by a month.

got a little key fob i get to scan in to make sure im a member. and can use the equipment.

so, i went and got shown how to turn on the treadmill...
and i walked.

felt like forever...was about 18 minutes, and i had to stop..
my chest started to hurt, and i am really very paranoid about that, since my heart atatck, i have no idea whats going on when it feels stressed like it does when i do anything a little over what i normally do.
its all prolly psychosymatic (all in my head) , but i stop, to calm down, anyway. just in case.,

sat for a few, to get myself on a level i felt i could continue...and i went back on the  treadmill for another 15 minutes.

30. thats all. i was sweating drops. no lie..thats enough for one day...

felt like a wet noodle after i got off that thing, my legs were all wobbly and seriously, i felt like a slice of bologna! floppy and loose, not in a good way 

so, i went home, hit the house about 1am, craig got up at 2am, and woke me up...i managed, to grab a couple of hours before i had to get back up at 5 to go get the kid from work..

i am sore! 30 minutes! and im litterally sore! thats just crazy!

so, i go get him, he gets in the car, i say "look what i got"
and i show him the 10gym key fob on my car keys.

his eyes got wide, and he looked at me and you get to take someone?

i told him with the basic 10.00 membership, no, i couldnt, but i didnt get that one, i opted for the other just in case he did decide to come along.

little did i know it would be...this am!

he wanted to go by there and get a tour, before we went home, so, we drove over there...and zack, smiled and seemed a bit shocked to see me back in since i had left, he met daniel, and had him sign a waiver as a guest. and i gave daniel a tour, he got on the treadmill for a few, and said, he was gonna work out..right next to me when we worked out the same days..

yeah, nice dream, but when hes available, place will be busy, unless we go at night, when were both up and active..
place is closed friday night after 10 pm, when im on my way back from dropping the kid off at about 11ishpm, so id have to go during saturday sometime...or during the day on friday.

daniels even gonna pack a bag, with gym shorts, a towel, water bottle, his running shoes. so he can change and go with me on the way back from his work..

so, ill workout 2 times on tursdays it looks like, after i drop him off, and again after i pick him up...

ill have to redo this schedule...
gonna have to include him now..and his availability..

fridays when i pick up daniel, craigs with us...and hes not gonna wanna sit for a half hour, to an hour waiting on us to get done at the gym, maybe well leave craig home, gym opens at 6am fridays, we can get in, get that done..

IF the kid wants to, of just wanna go home and got to want to anyway, but id go into the gym if he really wanted to...

well see how much he wants to do this...
well see how far i feel my 97.00 will go... schedule for 10gym looks like this:

MON - opens at 5am-24 hours/
TUE - 24 hours/
WED - 24 Hours/ i go in 11pm, walk 30 minutes
THU - 24 Hour / i go in 11pm , walk 30 minutes
                         / i go in 7am, walk 30 minutes
FRI - close at 10pm /7am walking 30+ minutes
SAT - 6am-8pm/
SUN 8qm-8pm/

with just the wednesday and thrudays (2 times) i can get in 3 workouts for the week...
thats 30 minutes each time, just trying, at this point to build myself up to endurance , so i can go an hour..
so im starting low and slow.

if i do the friday morning thats 4 workouts in 3 days...with potential to do more on days daniels hime, at night (when hes most active, and i happen to be as well) 2 more, actually...monday/tues.
makes a total of 6 sessions 5 days. 

eventually, ill work my way up to that Couch to 5K, i wanna do..
after that ill run a 5k..

but those are the long term goals.
you start small..
and i want to walk 30 minutes without needing a break, for a full week (3-7days)
when i get that done, ill walk for an hour, without a break (3-7 days)

somewhere in there maybe lose a wight goal of 20 pounds.

i can do this.
i got this.



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