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Friday, January 30, 2015


So, i go in after i drop my son off from work, do whatever sessions i feel like, i have free range, can do as little or as much as i wanna, its completely up to me.

and i walk in, and theres this  young guy..couldnt be much older (if he even is) than my son, who was finishing up on some machine hed just worked out on.
looked at me, and smiled.

hes the 1st one who looked at me, and smiled.

well, he went about his business, and i did my treadmill thing.
i did over hear him tell Zack (the 10gym night manager guy) that hed been there since 10pm! i was in there at like midnight..what the heck?!?!? figured hed be leaving soon...
but nope..he was there till about 1am, when i was walking out the door.

i walked out, and he was outside, said hello to me..kinda shocked me, wasnt thinking anyone was out there, but..there he

found out his names Malachi, and he works at a walmart in a neighboring city.

i told him if he saw me again, to not be a stranger. im
i think it was his mom, who picked him up, but i had offered to take him home, hes not too far.

so, that was the thing at the gym..i think i made my 1st friend!
pretty cool!

so, i did my thing, walked, did 2 15s and ONE 20minute...just cause i wanted to see if i could manage to do a 20 minute and not die..
1st 15 was watching some boring sports junk..that 15 dragged onnnnnnn. thought it was never gonna end, took a small break, asked Zach how to do the TV, he showed me, and i adjusted it to PBS...
started off watching LAST OF THE SUMMER WINE, (a British comedy i really enjoy) and then it went to THIS OLD HOUSE...well, one 15 minute and that 20 minute walk, went by like a flash!

i have no idea where the time went with them, but they both..went

its amazing how when you enjoy whatever it is your looking at you can allow time to slip by, but when your watching something you dont hate

wernt home, rested a few, and had to go and get the kid, who was all excited about going in and working out with me...
had a bag in the car with his running shoes, had on shorts, had his ipad mini, and some earbuds, and was ready..

on the way there he asked me...

"want to have some breakfast?"
my answer........and im surprised: "after i work out"

he wanted to go home and rest, i get it, he works hard at  Coke-Cola doing manual labor, and hes tired..i get that, but i was ready, to work out..gotta make this 100.00 mean something.
so he opted for the work out.

now, im not gonna say in a month i wont think, id rather have that food, cause to be honest, i am addicted to food..ill take whatever chance i can to get it, but i wasnt going to this am..i had gotten ready, and was set to at least walk...after that, if i felt like breakfast, sure. id have some..

so, i did my thing again...
1 15 minute walk
and my 2nd walk, i did a 20 minute one.
even set my pace to higher this time on the 20. i have been doing 2.2. i went up to 2.4 (yeah. go me!)

barely can see...2.4 set.
15 minutes length i walked. (.80)
20 minutes almost a full mile (.98)

felt, after that i was good.

have to remember just a few hours earlier i had done, 2 15s and a 20...
so in less than 24 hours i had walked a total of: almost an hour and a half...

i was kinda tired...

daniel was right beside me, walking, and at one point he even ran on his treadmill...just like he said hed be, with his earbuds and his ipad mini, and some movie he had on the thing...
daniel walking

Daniel, running. he just stopped when i got this pic.

we got done, and we headed out for breakfast, and i turned the food down!

whats going on with me? NOT who i

i know why tho..walking makes me use my tummy muscles, and i had just gotten done walking and didnt feel like i wanted anything to eat..cause i just didnt want it..but some liquid id do..
(and no, not no yucky water..BLAH!)

so, he got 3 sausage biscuits, 3 cookies, a drink, maybe a hash brown, im not sure, and i got 2 drinks.
i was

told daniel my exercise goals, to lose 20 pounds, thats where i want to be when i reach my 1st big goal, but that i have smaller goals to get there, like walking a full week at 30 minutes without a break, then walking 1 hour without a break...

he said 20 pounds lost would be a good goal.

told him im in no hurry to get to it, im just pacing myself right now. (no pressure)

 just weighed myself.. right at the same place i always am...260...blah!

now, theres no way i expect in a few days to lose much if anything..
i always seem to balance right in between 250 and its typical for me to be there. nothing new.

i was told at the gastric surgery office, to always remove 5 pounds for clothes and stuff in your belly that you havnt gotten rid of...
so, again, that puts me right at...255ish...typical

but im not too worried about it, not trying to lose right now, im just trying to maintain a healthy pace where i dont feel like my hearts exploding out of my chest..when i get there, ill try to lose some weight.

since gastric surgery..ive lost about 60 pounds total...i was 310 when i started.
so, im ok with where i good.
im not gonna worry about the weight..its consistent, and thats ok with me.


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