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Sunday, January 11, 2015


So, for 2 nights in a row...(didnt last a third, sadly) i actually slept 6-8 hours!
i am guessing my body REALLY needed that.
well of course it did, i have been battling a severe cough for about 12 1/2 weeks.
started the very 1st weekend in november and i still have lingering issues with it, just not bad enough i feel like im gonna die for the cough itself.
so, for 2 nights straight, i slept, and i slept hard, and i slept good!
(seriously wish i could do more of that, not sure why i cant, but its just never in the cards for me much anymore)

as aresult, the 1st day after the 1st full rest, i noticed, i wasnt hacking up a lung anymore!
2nd say, after ny 2nd full rest, i was even more healed!
that was yesterday, so, i decided i was feeling good enough to go to church.

so, today i walked back in from 3 months of being away..WOW! thats a long time!

so glad too! i miss church.
was great to be able to  be doing what i like to be doing, and i didnt think id hand this crazy sickness off to anyone...

as a result of shoeing up, i had 3 ppl hand me stuff!
ppl love (or they tolerate me, lol, one or the other, lol..whatever it is, it works for me when i get things!! LOL)

1st on the list was a young lady who had posted in a Mormon FB sale/trade/give away page some  LOOM KNITTING Plastic rings she has had that she was giving away, and i just happened to see the post just after she had posted it, and i asked for them, so today she had those for me, and its great i got them, id drool over them at the store, and craig would always think they cost too much and never get me a set, he did get me a yellow one one time, and i still have to figure out how to use them...since i dont knit, i crochet, these gice a KNITTED look to whatever it is thats being made form them..

so, i have these now, so thankful for generous ppl...and answers to silent prayers/ :)

next was an enevelope. i took a pic of the back, because the front only had address info on it, nothing really spacial, but the  envelope is from a sister who i ADORE!!! and she always thinks of me when she sends her letters off to me.

in my church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints AKA: Mormon), the womens auxilliaray has a set up where every female has a set of 2 females who visit them at least once a month. and this lady (Joan) has been mine for 7 of the 8 years i have lived here. 1 year we did it together. and then she went back to being my Visiting Teacher (thats what the set of ladies are called).
anyway, shes been sending me letters for a while now, mostly because shes out of town in texas allot visiting grand babies and family. but she NEVER forgets to make sure she writes...i at least get that from her. to be honest, shes a far better VT (Visiting Teacher) Than i am, lol..shes been at it allot longer, maybe thats why. lol

i always like getting her letters, cause she always has something special on it, or in it, or something for me espeically. and i like that. makes me feel loved, and...well, lets me know she thinks of me enough to go out of her way to do something for me, i like...
this letter, was no different.
so, heres the back of it before i opened it. hated to open it too, cause i was gonna rip that sticker up, so i figured a way of doing it and not ripping it, craig thinks im nuts cause i wont damage the sticker...well, its..special, means something to me. and.,..hes a guy, hell tear into anything if its guy related, he wont
somethings are just..special and shall always remain so, with me.

heck i keep letters, i have letters still from when i was a child, and a teenager, and cards i got as a kid for birthdays and stuff...and, i have kept every letter i have been given by this wonderful woman!

Heres the back...

See? Stuff like that let you know your loved. 
Inside was this card: 

Sorry my ipads camera  didnt get the best pic, card says: 
Faith is being sure of what we HOPE forand certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

Inside there was this:
I love monkeys, and thats just...special. When you get a card and envelope covered in them. 

Wasnt my only gift..i got tjis shirt too....
Came all the way from guam! I put it on over my dress, cause i wanted to show i appreciated the thought.
It came with a smaller gift
I opened it up and found this magnet in there...
How cute is that? Lol 
And another confirmation i am loved, and thought of. Even hundreds of miles away. 

Did a little family history..noticed on you can now import your family from facebook on thrre. Thats pretty cool. So i did. I have allot of family on my cousins side i didnt even know i had, so ill have to gather those names up at somepoint. 

Today was a good day.


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