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Thursday, January 15, 2015


so, after i picked the kid up this am. i tell him last night i stalked the 10gyms parking lot and then actually walked in, and told him all about hunky Andrew, and all the  machines, and what the place looked like, and everything..

also mentioned, if i got a membership...
i could take a person for free, every day.

well, like a typical moocher kid that he is (even tho hes 20),lol, he says..OH? I COULD GO WITH YOU THEN!
yes, yes, son, you could. and id prolly prefer it if you did..
seriously, id feel way more comfortable if i had someone i knew there with me.
(thats including all the offers from church friends i have had..and thats been about 10 offers now, im guessing, even had a couple last night at church, re-offer)

he even said hed go in with me on his days off.
and i suggested he may want to build himself up to do the training at the detention center before his pysical they will push him through to make sure hes eligible for the job.

but on nights hes working...ill be...alone.

he told me hes talked to, or read stuff about buff guys who work out, who see someone like me in the place, and he said they have a high respect for someone whos putting it out there, and WORKING for that change...shows commitment, because even where they are (all hunk-i-fied, and buff) was a commitment to make to achieve. and if they dont say it, they appreciate the effort to change and make yourself better.

i asked, if daniel (the kid) would be willing to pay half the  money for the monthly, for the opportunity to use the stuff...and he flat out told  me..NO!
(im betting tho, after he goes and sees im in this for bettering my health, hed reconsider that, dont know, hes still in selfish mode sometimes, hard to gauge
said if he had to pay, hed just stay home and play on his xbox (he does that anyway).

this is for me.
a gift to myself, because i..DESERVE this.

now, just to step over that line, and actually get that membership...
such a big decision, like being married.
marriage takes work, so will better health and wellness....

its all in the head,
small steps to larger better promising health.
thats the reward, better health.
if i look hotter (cause i look hot now..LOL i crack myself up!lol) thats a pure bonus!

oh, i forgot to mention, i got on a scale when i was there last night, and typically, im between 250-260...been there ever since my gastric surgery...4 years ago...5 years when march rolls around...
time to see if i cant break that platue, but thats not the objective, nope...

small little goals.

1st one, pay for membership..

2- walk on a tradmill, 30 minutes, non stop. take as long as you need to build this up
(building stamina)
3-walk on a treadmill 30 minutes non stop 3-7 times a week take as long as you need to build this up
(building Stamina)

4-walk on treadmill 1 hour 3-7 times a week. take as long as you need to build this up
(building stamina)

5- start the Couch-to-5K program with walking as the running. (building stamina to the run part)
6-intigrate running for 1minute in between sessions of 10 minutes walking (take as long as needed to build up to the ability to run a full minute, and not feel like your gonna die.
7-do couch-to-5K WITH running, with a program loaded onto iphone

by the time im done with the couch-to-5K program, id be able to run a 5k.

but THAT dreams, somewhere way down far far away...
but to get to it, i have to set small goals.

all the while, 20 pounds is my 1st weight loss goal. drop 20 and celebrate with something for myself.

just have to set my mind to doing this.


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