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Thursday, January 15, 2015

I WALKED IN & AND BACK OUT, But Not Without Some Info (Got my toes wet)

so, im STILL thinking about joining 10Gym, and last night at church, i was talking about it..

said i was afraid, because ppl would be looking at me...

took the kid to his job, went by and sat in the parkinglot like a stalker, lol...
and saw ppl going in, and coming out.

and one guy..renewed his membership.

so, i took a deep breath, and mustered every single nerve within me, to walk right up to the door.

took another deep breath, and opened that door.
then another deep one, to open the 2nd door, and...walk up to the desk.

now if anyone who knows me knows me well enough to know i chatter, allot, i do it even more so when my nerves are on edge, was so..

i walked right up to the desk, this cute, handsome, HUNK (ugh, hate myself sometimes) turned around and was looking at me, as i babbled on and on and on about the fact i had been bascially, challeneged to just..."get the tour" to see what the gym was like.

thats all i was there for, "feeling" the place out.

his names Andrew, by the way. hes got Greek heritage in him, lol. came from washington state, because of a girl hes been dating for 2 years, not gonna ssk her to get married to hes finaicially able, and hes headed back to take care of family (a sick uncle, with cancer) on sunday...
yup..he told me every bit of that, lol

i asked questions, ALLOT of questions,

do you have treadmills?
yes, 3 different kinds, right behind the desk, thats out Cardio equipment. and we looked them over.

whats the deal with paym,ents, if i want to pay in cash can i?
yes, you come in the day before your dues are due, and pay cash, OR you can get a prepaid, allot of ppl dont have a bank, and they load up a prepaid with a few month/ a year, and pay with that prepaid.

do you think that guy standing over there looking at me is looking at me cause im awesome?
i didnt ask
and no one looked at me until they were looking at him and waving goodbuy..

all of them smiles, every last guy in the place that was working out, who i made eye contact with, smiled at me...

there was a chick or two in there, but not too many..

no one was talking, they were ALL working out.

so, i got my toes wet, so to speak...
i went IN, and got info, and walked back out with it in my hand to tell craig..

i deserve this. and maybe if i have to pay to do it, ill it.
cause ill feel guilty, if i dont.

1 year contract (for a program with no contract, lol) 49.00
and  monthly payments of 19.00.

but i get ZUMBA, cardio (treadmill) and any number of other things i may want to engage in within a year...

heck. i could couch-to-5K there! right on a treadmill!
start off slow, work my way up to a run...

maybe i will!

maybe i will...


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