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Tuesday, January 6, 2015


we went out to have chinese...
craigs sick with this cough i have, and hes at the start of it, i keep telling him he needs to  have hot fluids in him, to attempt to break the coingestion up, so he asked where i wanted to go for dinner, and i suggested chinese.

he said, "they do have soup there". lol, yes, yes they do. and when your sick with the mess we have you need hot liquids to pass over your chest to help break that yucky phlem in your lungs up..

so we went to eat.

i make it a practice, to save and document the fortunes we get when were there.
not because i believe them, i dont.
but just for fun.

so these are  the ones we got from dinner.

Craig: You will enjoy something different this weekend...
he said, "yeah i wanna rest all weekend" i told him he already did that this past weekend.
he still needs it, so i wont bother him. lol

Me..Michelle: You will soon receive help from an unexpected source.
would be nice. im kinda stretched thin right now. i am taxed. and help would be welcomed. :)

Daniel: You will soon be asked to join a team. Work Cooperatively.
hmm, wonder if thats gonna happen.
maybe its in reference to that job he wants to get.

thats all for that.

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