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Friday, January 2, 2015


i loved the message this had in it, because as i continue on in my life, i want to try to remember, every day is a new day and a chance to write a new life story.


not a whole lot went on today, and last night was kinda quiet.

there were a few fireworks, and those reminded me of our sweet dog (one of them, i thought of both) we had lost last year.


she HATED it when fireworks went off, and shed run shaking into the tub for safety.
so, when they started to go of, i was reminded, for a brief moment, that shed be sacred, and then reminded she wouldnt need to worry about them any longer. she was in heaven and at peace, no more fear of such noises.

remembering her loss, brought to memory the fact about month later we lost another one of our dogs...Little Girl.

she didnt have any fears. not like carley who was half golden retriever/ half german shephard, and Little Girl,w as some kind mutt, we never could figure her mix out, but she wasnt anywhere near the size of carley, and she was fine with those fireworks and thunder and loud noises.

so, the new year rolled in raher quietly, a few fireworks, and a peaceful night.
we all slept in pretty late. i didnt get up till about 9ish and was hungry for some food.
woke craig up, who fele back asleep then it was about noonish when we got up, the kid (daniel) was still asleep.

we got ready to go out about 2pm, i guess for  lunch which i wanted "breakfast" since i ddnt get to get it when i wanted it. so we all went to IHOP.
i took pictures on my iphone, but for whatever reason, my new PC doesnt like when i plug my idevices into it, it wont read the folders.

ok, got the pics finally...

 yup..took half of this home...

we all went back home, was late in the evening, and shortly after we got back, daniel wanted me to take him to walmart, to go get some things he tried to get a week ago, and had an issue with concerning his card. so, we went back there to get his stuff.

when we got back he asked me to cut his hair with the clippers he just got. so, i did.
wish hed let me take pics of him, hes such a handsome guy. haircut makes him look that much more handsome.
and, i havnt lost my hair-cutting ability, even tho its been almost 22 years since i worked professionally as a hair stylist, i still know how to do it.

about an hour after that, i took the kid to work.
he works, right now, at coca-cola plant in the factory.
his job..putting the pallets of sodas and drinks together for the trucks to deliver.
he recently got his FORKLIFT CERTIFICATION, which is funny, because he has no idea how to drive a car yet. but hes mastered a

hes supposed to be taking driving lessons, and i really need to figure out when he can do that.
he has a chance to take some training at county jail, as a detention officer and start on a carrer as one of those. its right up his alley too.
but, as we found out over summer, he HAS TO HAVE a drivers licence. and since he doesnt know how to drive, hes gonna have to learn to take that in as valid form of ID on him.

so thats gonna be an adventure this year for him.

so that was my new year...
page one, complete.


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