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Thursday, January 22, 2015


Ugh! Brake went out tonight taking the kid to work...blah! 

We have to pay for that this weekend, when we were all gonna get our eyes checked out for glasses.

Craig and i havnt had an upgrade to our vision in almost a decade. Its time for new lenses. The kid thinks he needs some now cause he says he cant see anything at a distance its all blurry.
But thats gonna have to go on hold. Car needs a new brake. Ugh. 

When it rains, it pours, but it always leaves a rainbow! While this is a moment well all suffer through. We have the luxury of habing craig off work for his second job (UPS), be ause nes on call fir his main job (FAA).

So, theres no struggle or need to worry about the fact my car, which is the transportation car for the kid, is out of commission. We nave transportation. 

Allot of ppl would look at this situation with dispair. And woe, and fret, worry, if you will. And not look for the good in the trial. 
Thetes something worthy to be gleened from every tribulation you endure and suffer through. You jyst have to seek it, and revognize it.

I. Not sure how long i had been driving with a break that was boing out, maybe a week (about 300 miles worth of driving). Bit the thing finally died tonight. And i was fortunaye, blessed actually, to have my husband there in the car when it happened. 
If i was alone, id be out of my mind because i have no data on a cell phone to call home and have him come to me. Id have to attempt several times yo get him to puck up the phone. Id have felt like i had no way to get home, because i dont like to take the chamce on ruining tne vehicle if i think something is wrong. 
But he was there, because...hes on call for the other job. 
What a wonderful blessing. 

Kids at work, we mafe it ho e safly, we have another car to go and get the kid in the am when its time to pick him up and im not required to be anywhere tomorrow, that requires i drive to it. 

Look for the rainbow in the midst of the storm.

Your focus might go from negative to positive. Thats not such a bad thing. 


*note: image in this blog is mot MY car, mine lookes exactly the same. Yellow and everything. But mines way cooler! Cause *I * own 

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